Hi, I'm Bill. I like to build, create, and share.

My Current Journey

I'm taking a high growth sabbatical. I'm working in 3 domains:

  1. Family
  2. Building Hyperlint and writing for Learn By Building.
  3. Advising and investing in companies in startups in the data, AI, and machine learning domains and doing some small consulting engagements.

My Past Journeys

I was founding PM and product management lead at Anyscale, an open source software unicorn that delivers a platform for building and running LLMs. I helped us grow from ~10 to 115 during my tenure. I built the initial PM team, the first version of our product, and our initial go to market, sales, and sales engineering functions.

Prior to Anyscale, I was an early solutions architect (and subsequently an early PM) at Databricks. While at Databricks:

  • I was product manager for the first version of Delta Lake.
  • I wrote Spark: The Definitive Guide for O'Reilly Press; co-authored with Matei Zaharia. I helped us scale from 80 people when I joined, to over 1300 when I left.

Prior to Databricks, I created SparkTutorials.net as a way to teach others the basics of Apache Spark. I was also creator of Data Analysis in Python with Pandas for Udemy and co-creator of, and first instructor for, Python for Data Science as a part of UC Berkeley's Masters of Data Science Program.

In 2016, I graduated with Master’s in Information Management and Systems from the UC Berkeley School of Information.

Prior to getting my master's degree, I worked at another high growth company called Procore ($PCOR). I was an early employee (< 40) and the first sales development representative. During my time at Procore, I worked as a sales development representative, a sales representative (closing a deal for our software to manage construction of the largest skyscraper in Mexico at the time), and was responsible for sales operations.

Prior to Procore, I started my career in various commission-only sales roles and customer support roles. I sold roofs door to door for the Premier Roofing Company.